KP Astrology
Know your Life Present Planetary position with KP Astrology Expert
KP Astrology
As we known by VEDANGA JYOTISYA, providing various rules of predicting different life events with Krishnamurti Padhdhati astrology according to the 12 different Bhavas or Houses. These rules are for general guidelines and it requires proper training in KP system astrology to make sense and interpretation of the entire horoscope.
As you must have experienced that very precise of the timing of the events can be
ascertained by this System rather than One uses Vedic or Any other system.At the same time in cases of Twin Births, the charts of then two persons will remain almost same in Vedic system. However, there is always a lot of difference in them. It can be analyzed and predicted with the help of K.P. System
If you want a precise ‘YES’ or ‘NO’ answer Astrologically then it is also difficult in conventional Astrology (C. P. System).In conventional Horary Astrology if two or more people approach to you at the same time then it again becomes very difficult to give accurate predictions, as their charts will remain the same. To overcome the above and similar shortcomings of the conventional Vedic System, KP comes as savior.
Major Differences From Vedic
- KP system gives importance to the Constellations / Stars– / Nakshatras divisions of the Zodiac, which is obviously the most desired for precision.
- Further, it divides each Constellation – / Star / Nakshatra divisio- n into further 9 subdivisions called ‘SUBS‘. These sub divisions are not equal divisions, but are as per the Vimshotari Dashas Divisions System.
- K.P. System uses K.P. Ayanamshas and not Lahiri Ayanamshas mostly used in Vedic System. The difference between two is about 6 minutes (Kala).
- This system uses Cusps that is House/ Bhava beginnings like Western Systems and not like Vedic System which uses House Centres i.e. Bhava Madhyas.
- This system uses Placidus House system.
- The Planet in its Dasha gives results as per its Nakshtra-Swami (Star-Lord) rather than the planet itself.
- Whether the above results will be benefice or malefic will be decided by the Planet’s SUB.
- Hence, Planet is represents the SOURCE, that Planet’s Star-Lord represents the EFFECTS, RESULTS and that Planet’s Sub gives idea of the FINAL DIRECTION of that result.
- RULING PLANETS: Unique Concept of KP for Powerful Divine Guidance during predictions.
South indias famous palmist ,KP and Nadi astrology Consultant since 20+ years exp ancestral divine spirituality following traditions from three generations. Our Astrologer Pandit Sri YASHWANT RAO GARU is know for making 99% accurate prediction and give positive results on life issues. consult now ..
- For 3 questions: 1000/-
- For full prediction of your life: 1500/-
- For family prediction: 3000/-